Effect of Fermentation of Concentrated Whey on Release of Organic Acids during Electrical Processing


UDC 544.642


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2021.57.2.48


The research considers main approaches to the problem of the milk industry by-products processing, in particular, of whey generated in great volumes during curd and cheese producing. The article examines the   process of extracting an organic matter from whey by the fractionation of whey via distillation under low vacuum. It is advisable to process concentrated whey. Treatment of whey using fractional distillation under vacuum allows obtaining organic acids of the required purity and the required concentration. The article considers the direction that makes it possible to obtain cost-effective whey processing method, combining the concentration of whey by fractional distillation with its electrical processing. This process allows to separate the organic matter of whey and to direct the process of further concentration of the resulting preparations towards the formation of certain organic compounds.


Keywords: whey, organic acids, fractional distillation, electrical processing.

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