Influence of Thermal Treatment on Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Silicon Doped via Nuclear Transmutation Method


UDC 621.315.592




In this work, the features of the influence of thermal treatment on the electrical and thermoelectric characteristics of silicon crystals doped with a phosphorus impurity by the nuclear transmutation method and (for comparison) by a usual metallurgical method are investigated. It was established that in order to obtain the optimal values of the thermoelectric figure of merit Za in n-Si crystals doped with nuclear transmutation, it is necessary to anneal them at 1100ºC–1200°C for 2 h, whereas for ordinary n-Si crystals, annealing of the same duration should be used, but at a lower temperature. In both cases, higher values of the thermoelectric figure of merit were obtained by cooling the crystals from the annealing temperature up to the ambient one at a rate of 1 C/min.


Keywords: silicon, nuclear transmutation, thermal treatment, thermo-emf, thermo-emf anisotropy, thermoelectric figure of merit.

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