Non-stationary Electrochemical Processes in Ion Exchangers


UDC 542.8+544.03+544.6




The processes of ion transport on the model of a single ion exchanger particle were studied. The anion-exchange membrane MA-40 was chosen as a model. The fundamental difference between the membrane model of the ion exchanger and the ion exchanger itself is that the electric potential inside the solid phase can be measured on the membrane due to the special design of the measuring device. In an ion exchanger, such a measurement is impossible. Due to the indicated features of the chosen membrane model, it became possible to propose a simple mathematical model of the process for analyzing potential dynamics graphs. The time-varying potentials were measured on both sides of the membrane using AgCl/Ag reference electrodes. The dynamics of changes in the potentials of the membrane surfaces over time was recorded. The change in the membrane potentials over time reflects the process of establishing the ion-exchange equilibrium at the membrane – solution interface. The mechanism of transfer processes across the interphase boundary is discussed.


Keywords: ion exchanger, anion exchange membrane, ion exchange, interphase transfer, ion exchange equilibrium, electric potential, mathematical model.

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