Development of Electrospark Alloying as Element of Materials Science


UDC 621.9.048




The article was prepared with the aim of analyzing the appearance of the method of electrospark alloying (ESA) and reflecting the main role of its founders B.R. Lazarenko and N.I. Lazarenko. It considers the development of ESA as one of the methods of surface materialology. Earlier published materials of other scientists and specialists in the field of electrophysical processing methods and the authors’ works are used. The characteristic stages of this process are described: the initial period of development of the ESA method; the Moscow post-war period; the Moldavian period of the revival of the ESA; the post-Soviet period, and the role of a number of leaders, scientists, and specialists is shown. The prospects of applying the ESA method are noted, the main tasks of its development are formulated.


Keywords: surface materialology, electrospark alloying, electric discharge, technology.

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