Experimental Plant of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova: Its Role in Creation, Production, and Implementation of Electrospark Alloying Installations. <br> On 110th Anniversary of Academician B.R. Lazarenko.


UDC 001


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4047644


The article is devoted to Boris Romanovich Lazarenko – the founder of the electrospark method of processing conductive materials – and the activities of the Pilot Plant of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, created by him, in the development and production of manual and mechanized installations for electrospark alloying. The dynamics of the development of the plant and its staff, and the creation of new electrospark alloying technology are shown. Technical characteristics and photographs of “EFI” and “Elitron” installations of different models, with the data on the efficiency of those installations are presented. The positive role of cooperation with research organizations, enterprises, and leading scientists is noted.


Keywords: electrospark alloying, installation, mechanization, coating, electrode-tool, generator.

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