Features of Usage of Combined High-Speed Electroerosive-Laser Processing of Small-Diameter Holes in Parts of Gas-Turbine Engine with Ceramic Coatings


UDC 621.9.048


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4045913


The research materials of a new process of combined electroerosive-laser processing of small-diameter holes in the details of ceramic-coated gas turbine engines are presented. A mechanism is revealed that ensures high productivity and quality of processing small-diameter holes in the details of gas turbine engines made of heat-resistant alloys based on the application of combined high-speed laser-electroerosive processing using a hollow rotating electrode-tool and internal pumping of the working medium.


Keywords: electroerosive processing, laser processing, small diameter holes, hollow rotating electrode, pumping pressure, electrode rotation speed.

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