Electrodynamic Technologies – Effective Solution to the Food Industry Problems


UDC 664.086.4-047.58:66.047


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3970438


In this paper, the results of studies of a new scientific field, which was proposed by the authors and called the technology of a directed energy action, are presented. The tools for implementing such technologies are electrodynamic generators, which are capable of the energy delivery to the target points in the volume of raw materials, including nanoscale ones. It is shown that by coordinating the structure of food raw materials and the parameters of electro-dynamic effects on the product, it is possible to effectively solve some problems of food industry. The classification of electrodynamic devices and the field of their use in production are given. This paper solves the problem of buiding the scientific foundation for electrodynamic technologies, which will effectively organize and control the impact on the structures of raw materials, when combining the capabilities of micro and macrokinetics under the conditions of the pulsed-cyclical nature of the processes. The general physical laws and mechanisms of transfer processes in electrodynamic devices (parametric and math models) are considered. The visual confirmation results of the baro- and mechanodiffusion effects are analyzed. The stand research results of electrodynamic apparatuses (extractor, evaporator, and dryer) are presented. A comparison of traditional and electrodynamic technologies for processing raw materials is given. It is established that electrodynamic extractors intensify the mass transfer process by 10–100 times and give a better product than traditional ones. The electrodynamic evaporators remove moisture almost to the solid phase, and dryers significantly reduce the process time and energy costs.


Keywords: electrodynamic apparatuses, food energy technologies, evaporation, drying, extraction.

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