On Influence of Electrostatic and Aerodynamic Fields on Regularities of Realization of Instability of the First three Azimuthal Modes of Liquid Jet


UDC 532.517.013.4:77.051.15


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3970467


It is shown that the instability of a liquid jet in relation to an external electric field and its instability in relation to the presence of an external material medium at the existence of common phenomenological features differ by threshold values of the field parameter and the Weber parameter, at which a specified instability is realized for the first two values of the azimuthal mode. For the next, a bending-deformation mode in the ascending order of number, both instabilities have thresholds that differ only in the values of the wave numbers at which they are realized. For the mixed electric-aerodynamic instability, when both and the Weber parameters are different from zero, both the instability implementation thresholds and critical wave number change.


Keywords: liquid jet, radial electric field, material medium, instability, azimuthal number.

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