Laser Formation of Holes in Non-Metallic Substrates


UDC 621.365(075.6)




The use of a picosecond pulsed laser with a wavelength of 532 nm and frequency of 15 Hz in the formation of holes with a diameter of up to 0.1 mm in non-metallic substrates: silicon, ceramics, etc., reduced the processing time twice and the heat-affected zone by 30–40% compared with a nanosecond laser. By modeling in MathCAD and COMSOL Multiphysics, it was found that the half-angle value of a light cone solution, which depends on the focus of the laser radiation, has a significant effect on the depth and diameter of holes in laser processing. A reduction in the execution time of holes by 20% with preliminary heating of the substrate to 170–200°C was noted.


Keywords: laser radiation, non-metallic substrates, silicon, holes.

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