Changing the Galvanic Copper Coating under Exposure to Cold Air Plasma


UDC 669.2.017:620.18




Methods of metallographic analysis, scanning probe microscopy and X-ray analysis were used to study changes in the surface of copper electroplating under the influence of cold air plasma. Under optical microscopy, changes in the structure of the surface were not established. A change in the surface relief was noticeable in the transverse section when examined by the sighting metallography. Scanning probe microscopy revealed a change in the surface morphology – a reduction in roughness and smoothing of relief fragments. The established features can be essential for the development of methods for improving the wear resistance of electroplated coatings. The variations in the level of stresses of the 3rd kind can be assumed to be the structural mechanism of the observed changes.


Keywords: galvanic coating, cold plasma, scanning probe microscopy, rough surface.

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