Features of Distribution of Electromagnetic and Hydrodynamic Fields during Conductive Electric Current Treatment of Melts with Parallel Electrodes


UDC 537.528:669.017.16


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3522270


The work specifies the features of the distribution of electromagnetic and hydrodynamic fields in the conductive electric current treatment of melts by parallel electrodes via the methods of numerical experiments. It was shown that by isolating the side walls and varying the depth of immersion of the electrodes, it is possible to create local places of concentration of the electromagnetic field, to avoid the flow of current through the electrode walls, and, thereby, to increase the intensity of the treatment. It has been established that the use of electrodes with varying the depth of immersion and with an isolated lateral surface is an additional factor that does not require financial and energy costs, which allows more active influence on the intensity of the effect on the melt during conductive electric current treatment.


Keywords: melt, conductive electric current treatment, electromagnetic field, hydrodynamic field, parallel electrodes.

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