Electrical Explosion of Conductors for Production of Nanoscale Carbides and for Deposition of Functional Nanocoatings


UDC 669.716.9:621.795.4:621.3.014.31


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3522291


An analytical review of recent studies in the field of electrical explosion of conductors (EEC) has been conducted to select modes and conditions of high-resistivity EECs, which is used to obtain functional wear-resistant carbide coatings containing refractory metals, their carbides, and nanocarbon particles. The influence of the environment, in which the EEC is carried out, on the composition of the products obtained is analyzed. The influence of the conductor electric explosion modes in gaseous carbon-containing media on the synthesis of refractory metal carbides is considered. The issues of obtaining functional composite coatings of metal surfaces are also discussed.


Keywords: electrical conductor explosion, nano-sized metal carbides, wear-resistant nano-coatings, carbon-containing gaseous media, nanocarbon coating

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