Меchаnism of Formation of Plane Surfaces by Electric Arc


UDC 621.9.048.4


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1297935


A new method is offered for high-performance dimensional treatment by an electric arc (DTEA) of two similar plane surfaces in the components of hard-for-treatment materials in a bipolar mode without the traditional application of an electrode, which in contrast to the method of DTEA, with the application of an electrode, provides the rise in the efficiency of treatment by 230%. It is shown that while transfering from the unipolar DTEA of the hard alloy BK-15 by the graphite electrode-tool to the bipolar DTEA of two samples of the same alloy, there is a considerable increase of thermal energy of the cathode area due to the energy of the arc column, which can overrun the thermal energy of the anode area and invoke the inversion, that is, the change of the direction of prevailing electric erosion. This increase of the thermal energy of the cathode area of the arc explains the increase of productivity of the bipolar DTEA of the two samples of the hard alloy BK-15 in contrast to the unipolar one.


Keywords: electric arc, hydrodynamic flow, bipolar mode, hard alloy.

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