Analysis of Changes in the Parameters of the Substitution Scheme of a Weed Plant Tissue under Electric Impulse Action


UDC 631.171+58.037+58.088




To substantiate the quantitative indicators of the process of weeds electric impulse destruction, as well as to elucidate the damage mechanism and the sequence of disturbances that occur in the internal structure of the processed plants, it is necessary to know not only the design of the electrical substitution circuit of the plant tissue, but also to have information about the change character in the parameters of this scheme elements during electro-damaging. The presented technique allows, by inexpensive and accessible technical means, to control the damage of the weed plants tissues and, using the designed mathematical apparatus, to calculate quantitative indicators. The analysis shows that the process of damaging weed plant tissues is characterized, first of all, by the loss of cell membranes of their semipermeable functions and an increase in the active conductivity of the processed areas of plants. Such changes in the internal organization of plant tissues lead to the loss of cell viability in areas subjected to electric impulse treatment. The presented analysis fits the available concept of biophysical scientists about electrical damage of the internal structure of biological objects. The conducted technological studies of the process of electric impulse irreversible damage to plant tissues, based on the analysis presented in the article, allow to limit the electric energy supplied for this, which makes it possible to realize the electric impulse weeding as an energy-saving way of combating weed vegetation.


Keywords: electric impulse weeding, irreversible electrical damage of plant tissue, electric substitution scheme of weeds’ plant tissue, change of parameters of the substitution scheme.

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