The Features of Control of the Electron-Beam Additive Form Fabrication Process


UDC 621.7-52




The article analyzes the electron-beam additive form fabrication process by beading as a result of remelting of the supplied filler wire as a control object. Control actions and output values are designated, which are expedient for usage in constructing control systems with feedbacks. A mathematical modeling technique to study heat transfer processes in a nonstationary formulation is proposed, taking into account the influence of latent heat of fusion. The transient processes of temperature changes at the points were studied, the values of which can be used to estimate the extent of the weld pool and the degree of metal overheating. An analysis of the results of computational experiments is carried out and the ranges of variations of control actions are shown. A possibility of an independent temperature control in the range of the beam and the extent of the liquid bath is also justified. Recommendations are given on the technical implementation of the system and the options for implementing local regulators, types of sensors and their installation.


Keywords: additive technologies, electron-beam technologies, process control systems, math modeling, non-stationary heat transfer, latent heat of fusion, multi-loop control systems.

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