Effect of Electron Irradiation on Charge Transfer in 2D Gallium Monosulfide


UDC 621.315.59+53.043


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1168364


The features of the effect of electron irradiation with an energy of 4 MeV and a dose of 2×1012 –1013 e/cm2 on the dielectric properties and ac-conductivity in alternating current of a 2 D layered GaS single crystal in a frequency range of 5×104 – 3,5×107 Hz are established. It is shown that electron irradiation of a GaS single crystal leads to an increase in the real component of the complex dielectric constant, a decrease in its imaginary component, the dielectric loss tangent and ac-conductivity across the layers. Both before and after electron irradiation, the conductivity varied according to a law characteristic of the hopping mechanism of charge transport over states localized near the Fermi level. It is shown that, at 140–238 K, in the layered GaS single crystals, across their natural layers in constant electric field, there is also a hopping conductivity (dc-conductivity) with a variable jump length along the states localized near the Fermi level. The effect of electron irradiation on the electrical conductivity of GaS single crystals and the parameters of the states localized in their forbidden gap have been studied. Taking into account the experimental data obtained in alternating and direct currents, the density of states near the Fermi level and their energy spread, average hopping distances in the area of activation hopping conductivity, as well as the activation energy of jumps, are estimated in both pure and electron irradiated GaS crystals.


Keywords: electron irradiation, 2D GaS crystal, charge transport, alternating and direct current.

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