About Ring Waves on the Surface of the Conducting Liquid in Uniform Electrostatic Field and Electrical Discharge


UDC 534.1:537.525.4


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1168343


An expression is derived for the connection of frequency of ring capillary-and-gravitational waves on a surface of the conducting liquid in an external uniform electrostatic field, with physical parameters and an analog of a wave number. It is shown that the proposed expression has formally the same appearance as the dispersing equation for plane waves, but, in the case under consi-deration, the wave number as the characteristic of ring waves has no sense because of uncertainty of a concept of wavelength. A possibility of realization of an electric discharge from the surface of the liquid charged in an external electrostatic field, when drops of the same liquid falling on it, is considered.


Keywords: ring waves, wavelength, outside uniform electrostatic field, electric discharge.

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