Features of Redistribution of Electromagnetic and Hydrodynamic Fields by Conductive Electric Current Treatment of Melts in Different Modes


UDC 537.528: 669.017.16


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1168347


Features of redistribution of electromagnetic and hydrodynamic fields by conductive electric current treatment in different modes and electrode system variants are showed. Mathematical modeling was used to find out that, depending on the type of an electrode system and a mode of the electric current flowing through the melt, qualitatively different configurations and distributions of electric, magnetic and hydrodynamic fields are realized in the macro-volume of the melt. Their character of distribution determines the area and the degree of impact on the processing object, which is decisive in the design of technologies for electric current treatment of melts.


Keywords: melt, electric current treatment, current modes, electrode system, field distribution.

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