Effects of Electrolyte Composition on Heat Exchange in Anode Plasma Electrolyte Treatment of Commercial Titanium


UDC 621.785.53


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1051274


The study considers heat exchange in a three-phase system: an electrolyte solution – a vapor-gas envelope (VGE) – a titanium workpiece. The temperature of a workpiece, current intensity, heat fluxes from the envelope to the electrolyte and to the workpiece were measured in an aqueous solution of ammonium chloride with addition of ammonia and glycerol. Addition of ammonia and glycerol proved to decrease the current intensity, heating temperature, total energy liberation and heat fluxes to the solution and to the sample. Furthermore, it was found that heat levels passing to the electrolyte and to the workpiece are not affected by ammonia and glycerol concentrations. The addition of ammonia and glycerol affects heat exchange, increasing the VGE thickness due to intense evaporation of these elements.


Keywords: plasma electrolytic treatment, heat fluxes, vapour gaseous envelope.

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