On the Influence of Physicochemical Properties of Refractory Compounds and Hard Alloys on their Erosion Electro-Spark Alloying


UDC 621.9.048


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1051286


This paper presents the results of years of research related to the dependence of the erosion of the anode electro-spark alloying on the physical-chemical properties of its material. Investigations were carried out at various installations, electric modes, with manual and mechanized handling, in different environments. This article contains general data about the anode erosion of refractory compounds and hard alloys. It is shown that erode refractory compounds involve a significant solid phase participation, while the correlation of the erosion value with thermo-physical properties is absent. The erosion resistance and the coefficient of transfer of hard alloys at the initial stage of the electric spark alloying are both significantly greater than those of the corresponding refractory compounds and the increase with adding more ligament in the alloy. The rule of the additive erosion and its dependence on the content of plastic ligament is not applicable hard alloys. A higher porosity leads to the increase in the erosion of the anode material.


Keywords: doping-tension installation, anode erosion, refractory compounds, hard alloys.

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