Determining the Contribution of Thermal Energy of Exothermic Reactions during High-Voltage Electrochemical Explosion


UDC 532:537




On the base of experimental studies of the dependence between the period of pulsation of the gas-vapor cavity (GVC) during the high-voltage electric explosion (HVEE) and the amount of energy of a capacitor bank and the weight of the water-filled exothermic compound (WEC) with 60% content of aluminum, we determined the value of additional energy released in the HVEE channel due to exothermic chemical reactions. It was shown that, with an increase in the basic electric and physical factors, the specific energy efficiency of the WEC increases, indicating a growing contribution of the energy released through the WEC exothermic oxidation reaction to the total HVEE energy.


Keywords: high-voltage electrochemical explosion, exothermic compound, thermal energy, gas-vapor cavity, energy conversion efficiency.

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