On Electromagnetic Phenomena Arising in the Cavitation Motion of a Liquid in a Coaxial Dielectric Channel


UDC 532.542


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053551


The paper presents the results of experimental and theoretical studies of flows of a weakly conducting liquid in a narrow coaxial channel with dielectric walls, in which the liquid is glowing. It has been experimentally shown that in addition to visible light radiation, there is also electromagnetic radiation in the radio range and X-ray radiation. Various physical mechanisms that can cause these phenomena are discussed. It is assumed that the main cause of the observed phenomena is associated with electrization of the liquid during its flow in a channel of a complex shape. The results of calculations of electrization in the framework of the electro-hydrodynamic two-ion model of the medium are given, taking into account the electrochemical processes at the interfaces and convective charge transfer with the formation of strong induced electric fields near the walls.


Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, electrization, cavitation phenomena, weakly conducting liquid.

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