Контактное вытеснение меди в процессах меднения деталей из углеродистой стали


UDC 621.357.7


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053527


The process of copper contact displacement by the carbon steel surface in a weak low-concentrated sulfate electrolyte and in electrolytes containing copper complexes with glycine, tartrate and ethylenediaminetetraacetate was studied. A method of analyzing the particular reactions of interaction of steel surface and copper-containing electrolytes in the absence of current was used. The parameters of contact exchange kinetics were determined by computer processing of arrays of coordinates of particular polarization dependencies of cathodic copper deposition in electrolytes and anodic dissolution of steel in corresponding background solutions, as well as of chronopotentiograms of steel samples in the electrolytes under study. The values ​​of the contact exchange current density and the ratio of the area of ​​the cathode and anodic surface sections were calculated as a function of the steel substrate potential and the time of the contact of steel and the electrolyte. The influence of the nickel sublayer thickness on kinetic laws of contact exchange in a low-concentrated sulfate electrolyte is shown.


Keywords: contact exchange, copper deposition, glycine, ethylenediaminetetraacetate, tartrate, sulfate electrolyte, nickel sublayer.

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