Choice of Optimal Material for Cathode in Non-membrane Electrolyzer to Synthesize Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions to be used in Medicine


UDC 661.158




Under study were the peculiarities of the cathode recovery of ClO and ClO3 ions in a non-membrane electrolyzer for the synthesis of Sodium Hypochlorite solutions to be used in medicine of humans and non-humans. It is shown that under the galvanostatic conditions of the electrolysis, the rate of the reduction of hypochlorite ions depends on the cathode current density but is not significantly dependent on the cathode material. It is found that it is possible to greatly low the loss of ClOon the cathode, especially at high current concentrations, through the electrolysis at a current density over 40 mА/сm2. It is demonstrated that for a flow-through cell of a co-axial construction, the most appropriate material for the cathode is the titanium of the grade VT 1-0 (BT 1-0), with polishing the surface.


Keywords: sodium hypochlorite, sodium chlorate, cathode processes, synthesis of solutions, cathode material, flow-through cell.

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