Conductive Agitation of Electromagnetic Force in Electrolyte during Electrolysis of Water


UDC 544.636/638




Additional data have been obtained that confirm the hypothesis advanced earlier and experimental results that indirectly support MHD effects in an external constant magnetic field (CMF) during the electrolysis of water, due to the electron emission from the cathode into the gas- electrolyte interface. Also, under consideration were the cases of the simultaneous conductive action of the CMF on the electric current in the electrolyte and on the flux of charged particles on the surface of hydrogen and oxygen bubbles, at different orientations of the current vectors I and В . The diagrams of forces are shown, which act at imposing the CMF on the electrolyte and gas bubbles during the electrolysis, which explains the arising of convective gas-liquid flows.


Keywords: magnetic field, over-potential, Lorentz force, electrolysis.

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