Transport Properties of Solid Solutions of the System хKYF<sub>4</sub> – (1–х)PbF<sub>2</sub>


UDC 544.228




In the system (1–x)PbF2xYF3xKF aliovalent substitution solid solutions with fluorite structure at 0.47<x<0.69 are formed, in which the fluorine ions are in three structurally nonequivalent positions that differ in the local environment and mobility. There are immobile, locally mobile and highly mobile anions. The conduc-tivity of the synthesized polycrystalline samples is provided by highly mobile interstitial fluoride ions, whose concentration and hence electrical conductivity increases on heating. The contribution of the surface conductivity of crystallites was not detected. The electronic component is by two orders of magnitude lower than the ionic one.


Keywords: solid fluoride ion conducting electrolytes, solid solutions, conductivity, transport numbers, 19F NMR spectra.

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