The Mechanism of Biological Effects of Very Low Doses of Oscillatory and Wave Impacts in the Sound Frequencies Range. <br>Part II. Physical and Chemical Model of Influence of Low-Intensive Physical Factors on Activity of Hydrolytic Enzymes.


UDC (53.047+57.043):(51.76+57.03)




The qualitative physical and chemical model of sensitive to external low-intensive physical oscillatory impact enzymatic processes is offered. The model allows to draw a conclusion on the central role of a structural resonance of the hydrolytic enzyme active center with two charac-teristic natural mechanical oscillations frequencies, which explains bimodal dependences of enzymatic activity on frequency of the enclosed impact.


Keywords: mathematical models of enzymatic reactions, physical and chemical models of enzymatic reactions, oscillatory biological systems with feedback, resonant effects, physical impacts of the oscillatory nature, active center of enzyme.

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