The Mechanism of Biological Effects of Very Low Doses of Oscillatory and Wave Impacts in the Sound Frequencies Range. <br>Part I. Biological Effects of Low-Intensive Physical Impacts in Food Technologies.


UDC (53.047+57.043):(663.043+637.03)




The bioeffects are described that appear at the electromagnetic fields impact on live systems. Experimental data on the effect of the low-intensity physical oscillatory and wave impacts on the activity of the hydrolytic enzymes of barley at its germination are given. Comparison of the received results to experiments on model enzymatic systems is carried out and it is shown that there is a mechanism of a biological effect, which is determined not so much by the nature of the applied impact but by its variable component – the frequency factor. It is shown that biochemical processes involving hydrolytic enzymes have an oscillatory character, and the external impact with periodic fluctuations, applied even in very low doses, can lead to resonant effects at certain frequencies, changing the key enzymatic processes speed. A possibility to apply the obtained results on other biological objects is demonstrated. The scientific concept of an essentially new way of biotechnological processes modification by a cumulative effect of enzymes and low-intensive physical factors is offered.


Keywords: bioeffects of electrophysical impacts, very low doses of physical impacts, hydrolytic enzymes, enzymatic activity, oscillatory nature of biochemical processes, modification of biotransformation processes.

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