Electric-Spark Coatings on Steel Basis and Contact Surface for Operational Optimizing of Solid Babbit Friction Bearings


CZU 621.9.048.669.268


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1048993


It is found, that the use of transition layers of copper, which is coated by the electric-spark method in protective argon atmosphere, improves the heat removal from the contact area and increases the steel bases adhesion strength with antifriction babbitt layer as compared with the traditional technology by 35%. Electric-spark alloying babbitt B83 by indium and stannum allowed to form a running-in coatings without hard inclusions with thickness 130 and 100 microns, respectively. New technological solutions allow decreasing the temperature in the friction zone, increasing the thickness of the oil layer, and, as a result, creating the bearing with better load carrying capability and reliability.


Keywords: electric-spark coating, spark discharge energy, mass transfer, babbit friction bearing, strength of adhesion, bearing wear-resistance.

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