Electrodeposition of Iron Group Metal Alloys with Tungsten from Gluconate and Citrate Solutions. Microhardness Size Effect.


UDC 544.65


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1048783


It has been established that there is a dependence of the microhardness of binary alloys coating (iron group metals with tungsten) electrodeposited from the citrate and gluconate solutions on the volume current density (VCD). In other words, the influence of the electrodepo-sited surface area (electrolyte volume and current density are constant) on microhardness occurs. It is shown that the observed size-technological effect coatings microhardness is due to changes (from crystalline to amorphous) in the structure of coatings when changing the VCD.


Keywords: electrodeposition of alloys, Co-W, Fe-W, Ni-W, volume current density, macroscopic size effect, microhardness.

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