Bivariant Mechanical Tuning of Porous Carbon Electrodes for High-Power and High-Energy Supercapacitors


UDC 544.636+546.26


Porous electrodes manufactured from activated carbon were modified by the bivariant mechanical tuning (optimization of the electrode density and thickness). The features of this technique were described in detail and an electrochemical behavior of the porous carbon electrodes with different densities (0.35, 0.55 and 0.75 g/cm3) was studied in a wide range of their thickness (60–1400 μm). Besides, an opportunity was analyzed so as to use the as-described modified electrodes in high-power symmetric and high-energy asymmetric supercapacitors as well as an additional criterion of their choice was proposed for the latter.


Keywords: bivariant mechanical tuning, electric double-layer capacitor, porous carbon electrode, supercapacitor.

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