Recent Evidence in Support of Existence of the Phenomenon of Phase Formation via a Liquid State Stage in Electrodeposited Metals. Part III.


UDC 669.268


The paper presents the results of the structure examination in metals electrodeposited under an exposure to an external force directed either normally or inclined to the crystallization front. The dislocation density rise in metals electrodeposited under the influence of a minor external force directed perpendicular to the to the crystallization front has been found. Plastic deformation of surface layers in metals electrodeposited by solid particles travelling due to the action of minor external forces inclined to the crystallization front has been discovered. Solid particle indents representing the particles shape and morphology have been detected at the sites of the particles detachment from the deposit surface in metals electrodeposited under the influence of a minor external force inclined to the crystallization front. The obtained experimental results prove the existence of the phase formation via a liquid state stage in metals being electrodeposited.


Keywords: phase formation, electrodeposited metal, liquid state, external force, surface morphology, dislocation density.

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