Production of High-Viscosity Colloidal Solutions (Gels) Containing Encapsulated Metal Nano-particles


UDC 669.187.526.001.5


A method of producing a high-viscosity colloidal solution (gel) containing metal nanoparticles encapsulated into a salt matrix as precursor is worked out. A possibility is shown of transferring this gel into a stable suspension based on nanostructured organic-inorganic complexes which have a large specific surface and are characterized by a narrow dispersion of a metal nanoparticle size.


Keywords: EB-PVD method, vapor phase, encapsulated nanopowders, chemically-inert matrix, volume particles distribution by dimensions, narrow dispersion particles, specific surface, high surface activity, zeta-potential, method to produce stable colloidal solutions (gels), biocompatible or bioactive materials.

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