Development of Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Surface Layer Formation and its Properties by Electro-Spark Alloying. <br>Part II. Criteria of Effectiveness of ESA and Electro-Spark Coatings.


UDC 621.9.048.4


The paper offers a comprehensive and integrated specific criteria for the effective use of the electro-spark alloying so as to determine the effectiveness of the conditions of application of electric-spark coatings with the required performance characteristics and parameters of the surface topography, including taking into account the energy costs. Also provided is a general criterion for the efficiency of coating, allowing to determine and compare the performance of different coating processes by the electro-spark alloying and other methods based on energy consumption, economic and environmental factors.


Keywords: electrоspark alloying, coating, performance criteria, modes of processing, performance characteristics, parameters of the relief, the cost, comparison methods.

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