Development of Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Surface Layer Formation and its Properties at Electro-Spark Alloying. <br>Part I. Current Situation. Kinetic and Functional Performance Criteria of Forming the Doped Layer


UDC 621.9.048.4


The paper shows the efficiency of electro-spark alloying, based on studies of the formation of the doped layer under different processing conditions, the properties of the surface layer and roughness parameters. The article proposes the kinetic and functional criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the spark alloying process, which allows to select the material of the doping of the electrode and processing modes for the maximum thickness of the doped layer and its discontinuities as well as to take into account the change of its physicochemical, strength and performance properties and parameters of the relief surface.


Keywords: electrо-spark alloying, efficiency, doped layer, erosion of electrode, inter-electrode medium, modes of processing, properties of coating, roughness parameters.

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