Recent Evidence in Support of Existence of the Phenomenon of Phase Formation of Electrodeposited Metals via Liquid State Stage. Part 1.


UDC 669.268


A brief overview of the current state of the issue of the electrolytic crystal growth is given. A new concept of a phase formation in electrodeposited metals is articulated. Earlier experimental findings by the author are presented that prove the existence of the phenomenon of phase formation in electrodeposited metals via a liquid state stage. The general idea of this study was that the fundamental distinction between solid and liquid metal state consists in the difference in the metal respective capacity to change its shape and structure when exposed to a relatively small external force. With a view to further verify the existence of the phenomenon in point, a set of experiments was carried out to confirm the predicted structural features in metals exposed to a minor external force during electrodeposition. This part of the research presents the results of structure examination in metals electrodeposited under the action of an external force directed in parallel to the crystallization front. Occurrence of an anisotropic pattern of deposits of electrodeposited metals, smoothing out of the deposits surface morphology and reduction in their roughness arising from an exposure to a minor external force parallel to the crystallization front have been established. The obtained experimental results prove the existence of the phenomenon of phase formation in electrodeposited metals via a liquid state stage.


Keywords: phase formation, electrodeposited metal, liquid state, external force, surface morphology, roughness.

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