Gel Chromatographic Separation of Boron-Gluconate Electrolyte for Obtaining Nanocrystalline Coatings: Composition and Electrochemical Activity of Components. <br>Part I. Separation and Composition of Components.


UDC 541.135 + 546-3


The research of boron gluconate electrolyte for obtai-ning nanocrystalline Co-W coatings and its separation by molecular weights components has been carried out by gel-filtration. It is shown that the electrolyte is introduced into boric acid (as bufferings agent) and sodium chloride (to increase conductivity) to form appropriate gluconate complexes in the solution. A gluconate-boron complex has a larger molecular weight. Three fractions with different molecular weights, including the fractions containing the Co-boron-gluconate and W-boron-gluconate complexes, are identified. It is shown that the formation of the appropriate macromolecular complexes is a slow process, resulting in the dependence of the electrolyte properties on time.


Keywords: electrodeposition, induced codeposition, Co-W coatings, boron-gluconate electrolyte, gel-chroma-tography, gel-filtration.

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