On the 70<sup>th</sup> anniversary of academic research and the 55th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova


The background of academic research in the area of physical and technical sciences, the formation of the Academy and of the Institute of Applied Physics, its pilot and manufacturing base, and launching of the journal “Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov” are reviewed. Personal discussions with the Academic Presidents, participation in general meetings of the Academy and its Sections, in conferences and round tables, in jubilee meetings and seminars, Some details are given of visits of Presidents and other Heads of foreign Academies, delegations of scientists, diplomats, cosmonauts, license agreement experts, of organization of institute exhibitions, memorial conferences. The reformation of science and innovation activity, enlargement of international scientific cooperation are depicted. Participation of distinguished scientists in the elaboration of research themes and training of specialists, in discussions of results, as well as the multiannual performance and responsibility for fulfillment of forthcoming programs and prospects are highlighted. As a contemporary of all four Presidents of the Academy, the author outlines their particular role in the Academic system, characterizes them as personalities. The necessity to keep the solemn atmosphere of celebration of the 70th and 55th anniversaries, to further consolidate the scientific community, to comply with high demands and ideals of science is underlined.

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