On Validity of Using High-Energy Flows for Metallographic Etching


UDC 620.183.2


A possibility of using high-energy flows for performing of metallographic etching has been considered. The modes of action upon the surface of metals that have a thermal component are shown to be able to change a sample structure or to reveal effects that may hamper visual perception and complicate the structure analysis. It is also demonstrated that the use of action of physical fields (without heating) such as a magnetic field, a cold plasma, and a glow discharge plasma can substantially change the structure and properties of metals. It is illustrated that scanning microscopy cannot be considered an adequate tool for investigations of the microstructure of metallographic specimens. Thus, physical fields cannot be used as a tool for metallographic sample preparation due to their sometimes unexpected effect on the structure and properties of metals and alloys.


Keywords: metallographic etching, cold plasma, magnetic field.

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