Synthesis of bis(salicylateo)borates of alkali metals by microwave-assisted method


UDC 546.05 + 546.05


The synthesis of Li-, Na-, K-, Rb- bis(salicilato) borates (LiBSB, NaBSB, and KBSB) was carried out by a microwave method. Application of the method allowed to shorten the synthesis duration 8–10 times and to obtain the product with the yield near the quantitative one. the purity of the product and the nature of impurities were checked by the thermogravimetric analysis. Additionally, the structure of compounds was confirmed by the IR and NMR spectroscopy. The IR spectroscopy has shown the effect of a complex formation of obtained salts with amide solvents. Through the IR- and NMR-spectroscopy, a possibility of the complexation of the boron-centered chelate compounds with amide type solvents is shown.


Keywords: nonaqueous solution, microwave-assisted synthesis, bis(salicilato)borates.

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