Specific Features of Lactic Acid Production from Partially Deproteinized Whey


UDC 579.663


The expediency of combining fermentation of whey and electrophoretic isolation of the formed lactic acid, which ensuring a high degree of lactose utilization, is substantiated. The scheme of the treated whey lactose fermentation by L. acidophilus thermo-resistant lactic acid bacteria and the yeast extract was worked out. Further production of lactic acid takes place in the diaphragm electrolyzer chamber. So, at a low current density, which allows maintaining the necessary temperature and duration of electrolysis, favorable conditions are created for the formation of lactic acid. The fermentative hydrolysis and electro-physical isolation of lactic acid are promising in solving the problems of utilization of lactose in an ecologically friendly way.


Keywords: lactic acid, fermentation, electrolyzer.

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