UDC 621.9.048.4
The work was carried out to study the kinetics of mass transfer composite dispersion-hardened electrode materials Ti-Zr-C-binder by electrospark deposition (ESD), as well as to study the structure, composition, and properties of the deposited coatings. Titanium alloy VT3-1 and instrumental steel H12MF were used as substrate materials (cathodes). The coatings were deposited by a universal bench mark “ALIER-METAL 2002” at two different processing modes: 0.06 J and 0.12 J. Both the composition and structure of the resulting coatings were studied. The coatings formed are multiphase, composed of carbide (Ti, Zr)C and solid solutions based on α-Ti and β-Ti (when applied to a titanium substrate) or α-Fe and γ-Fe (coatings on steel). The following coating properties were determined: thickness, continuity, microhardness, roughness, heat resistance, as well as tribological properties. The deposited coatings are characterized by a high continuity – up to 100%, thickness of 10–18 μm, and microhardness – up to 11.8 GPa. The ESD increases the wear- and heat resistances of the samples on the VT3-1 titanium alloy and H12MF steel.
Keywords: dispersion-hardened ceramic electrode materials, electrospark deposition (ESD), kinetics of mass transfer, phase composition, structure, heat resistance, tribological properties.