Stationary Pre-breakdown Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Weakly Conductive Liquids and Slightly Ionized Gases


UDC 538.3:532:538.4


The theoretical model of electrohydrodynamic pre-breakdown phenomena in the slightly ionized (weakly conductive) media is proposed. In conformity with the model, the high-voltage conductance of weakly conductive liquids and slightly ionized gases in intensive electric fields is considered. The formula for calculations of volt-ampere characteristics of weakly conductive liquids under a high-voltage spherical capacitor field is analytically derived. The empirical volt-ampere characteristics of the corona discharge of slightly ionized gases are presented. The theoretical and experimental results are compared. Those results may be applied for analyses of electrohydrodynamic and electrogazodynamic media flows from thin high-voltage axis-symmetrical electrodes.


Keywords: high-voltage conductance, discharge volt-ampere characteristics, slightly ionized (weakly conductive) media.

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