Regularities of Structure Formation of Fe-Zn Alloys Electrodeposited from Sulfate Electrolyte


UDC 669.15-192.017:621.357.7


The integrated study of the Fe-Zn alloys electrodeposited from the sulfate electrolyte on the steel substrate has been carried out, using such methods as scanning electron microscopy, profilometry, and X-ray diffraction. At the concentration ratio of Zn:Fe = 5:80 in the electrolyte, the surface of electrodeposited coatings becomes excessively rough, which is due to the creation of specific relief formations and to the presence of Fe75Zn25 phase in the structure of the studied alloys. High adhesive strength of polymer coatings to the Fe-Zn alloys with excessive roughness is shown.


Keywords: electrodeposited alloys, Fe-Zn, structure, phase composition, roughness.

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