On Possible Processes of Formation of Carbon Nanomaterials under the Electrodischarge Treatment of Hydrocarbons


UDC 537.528:621.763


Possible mechanisms of the formation of carbon nanomaterials by the electrodischarge treatment (EDT) of liquid hydrocarbons are suggested. It is demonstrated that the EDT of hydrocarbons results in a cascade of chemical transformations such as destruction (breaking of C-C bounds), dehydrogenization (breaking of C-H bounds) and polymerization (formation of new C-C bounds). The qualitative and quantitative composition of all products of the EDT (gaseous, insoluble solid carbon nanomaterials, and substances soluted in the initial liquid) may vary widely and strongly depend on the organic liquid used.


Keywords: carbon nanomaterials, electrodischarge treatment, liquid hydrocarbons, destruction, dehydro-genization, polymerization.

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