
The experimental research of electrical properties (dielectric permeability, tangent of an angle of die- lectric losses and specific resistance) typical synthetic inorganic polymers (industrial adsorbents) – silicagells КСК-2, КСС-4, КСМ-5 and КСМ-6П, simultaneously representing model capillary-porous solids, in a wide interval of moisture content including higroscopic and damp condition is carried out. Is shown, that the dependense ε′ and tg δ from moisture content of concrete silicagel are determined by a porous structure of a sample, form of connection and condition of an absorbed moisture. These dependences are deformed at a modification of length of a wave of an irradiatioon. Thus the essential dispersion ε′ and tg δ for these solids exists of moisture contents, exceeding moisture content of monomolecular adsorption. It is cunsed by practical elimination of molecules such the forms of connection from the process of polarization in a considered wave range. The frequency dependences ε′ and tg δ at characteristic moisture contents are explained proceeding from possible mechanisms of polarization of an absorbed moisture and relations between relaxational processes and processes of electrical conductivity.

article_5 (Русский)