
At designing electrohydrodynamic (EHD) devices small interelectrode gaps (IEG) are usually used. It is believed that they contribute to the increasing of flow rate or pressure drop. At the same time a signifi- cant decrease of velocity of EHD flow was found experimentally. In the work under consideration this draw- back was resolved by numerical simulation of EHD flows in the system of electrodes wire-plane. Analysis of structure of region of fluid acceleration reveals the existence of extremum at some distance from the active electrode. The size of the region does not exceed radius of the active electrode. A region of increased pres- sure also appears near the passive electrode. At decreasing of IEG near the electrode regions begin to inter- fere with each other and there are regions with decreased velocities of EHD flows in spite of the increase of field intensity. Data on kinematical and charge structures of the near electrode regions as well as the whole interelectrode gap at the variation of the sizes of IEG are given.

article_4 (Русский)