
Influence of centrifugal hydrodynamic field (CHF) of electrolyte-suspension, created by the ro- tation of the anode in the coaxial cylindrical cathode on the process of electrocrystallization of compos- ite galvanic coverings (CGC) of iron-carborundum is considered. Their micro- and submicrostructures are investigated. The estimation of quality of the coverings deposited in CHF is given. Mathematical models of the influence of conditions of electrolysis in CHF on density of dispositions, microdistortions of a crystal lattice and microhardness of an iron matrix are received. The dependence between parame- ters of its thin structure and microhardness is found. It is shown, that the size of blocks of a grain under various conditions of electrolysis in CHF exceeds 1500Å that specifies a significant reserve on a current and allows increasing the productivity of cathodic process. The hypothesis of improvement of quality of the iron matrix of CGC obtained in a centrifugal hydrodynamic field is confirmed.

article_1 (Русский)