Radiotermoluminescence (RTL) of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and composites on its basis with various volume content of piezoceramics of PKR-3M of family of plumbum-zirconate-titanate (PZT) after action of -irradiation at 77 K has been studied. It was revealed that, at temperature range of 77 to 300 K in RTL spectra of HDPE two irradiation maxima were observed: low temperature peak I and rather high temperature (in area of glass transition) peak II. By increasing of the volume content (Ф) up to 5% of pie- zophase intensity of peak I increases and then rapidly decreases. Besides with increasing of Ф peak II disap- pears and the formation temperature of peak I of composites shifts to direction of high temperatures. This can be connected with increasing of share of polymeric phase on nearsurface layer of piezoparticle, decreas- ing of mobility of polymeric chains and its kinetic units, which are responsible for formation of RTL. Corre- lation between the irradiation intensity of peak I and value of effective density of electret charge of thermoe- lectrets dependence on volume content of piezophase was observed. It is assumed, that by studying of RTL spectrums of composites to predict their high electret states is possible.