The influence of high concentration of lead and potassium humate on barley growth under simulta- neous action of alternating magnetic field (AMF) has been investigated. It is shown that the presence of lead in the substrate and the influence of AMF with frequencies f = 1.5, 8 and 50 Hz causes a decreasing of ger- minating capacity up to 0 – 30%, and the average acrospire length decreases up to 0 – 70% at f = 8, 32, 40, 50 Hz in comparison with control acrospires (in the absence of AMF). Simultaneous influence of potassium humate and AMF results in decrease of germinating capacity when f = 1.5, 32, 40 Hz, and in increase when f = 8, 50 Hz. The average acrospire length increased at f = 1.5 and 8 Hz, others frequencies were not effi- cient.